Command: Description: VIP required:
/lobby Teleports player to Lobby. No
/lobbyback Teleports player back from lobby to previous position. No
/vipshop Teleports player to Vipshop. Yes
/vipshopback Teleports player back from vipshop to previous position Yes
/mining Teleports player to VIP-mining. Timelimit 10min. Yes
/miningback Teleports player back from mining to previous position Yes
/protectbase Use above your claimblock. Nobody can enter the claim area. Yes
/unprotectbase Remove claim protection. Yes
/acf playername Gives player permission to enter your claim area. Yes
/rcf playername Remove claim entrance permission from player. Yes
/aaf All of your allies can enter your protected claim. Yes
/bmbase Teleports you to public hordebase. No
/bmbaseback Returns you from bmbase to where you were. No
/day7 Shows information about entities, next horde night and server fps. No
/died Returns you to where you died. NOTE: zombies are probably still there! No
/sethome /sethome2 /sethome3 etc. Sets your /home teleport location. VIPs have more of these available. No
/home /home2 /home3 etc. Teleports you to your home location. No
/settp teleportname Sets current location for named teleport. VIPs have more of these available. No
/removetp teleportname Removes the teleport you have made in that name. No
/tp teleportname Teleports you to a named teleport location. No
/publictp teleportname Makes one of your teleports public.  
/listtele public Lists all public teleports on server. No
/daily Get a daily lootgrade with some goodies. Usable every 24 hours. No
/gimme Get a random item. Or not. You might get a deadly surprise too... No